Sunday 13 September 2009

Buscando el tesoro

The first time we stepped here was 2006. Henne and I. It was clear since then that, under our feet, there was the treasure!! We went there again in 2007, with Heinz and in 2008, when I had a face to face with a very friendly snake who decided to share our trench with me…but, despite 3 visits, there was still something missing. Today, Sunday 13 of September, after 4 years of thinking about what was going on with the isla, we (me together with ….you know what I mean…. Bernardo Por-ahì San) did the last day of field work. Now we have a plot! To be continued – I hope- in a scientific journal:-)

1 comment:

  1. Oye monstruo ¿y cómo aguanta esa hernia? pones cara de flatulencia (-: (-: Tus sobrinos acaban de empezar el cole y en Barcelona por fin llueve. Se te echa de menos
